i might not be getting the humor in this.....were the other animator's animatons SUPPOSED to suck? because...well...they sucked.
i might not be getting the humor in this.....were the other animator's animatons SUPPOSED to suck? because...well...they sucked.
well in my opinion...
High or not, still amazing to watch.
i dont have to be high to enjoy your flashes. the art is incredible, the music fits (in all of them, its hard to find that nowadays.) and the'yre so random, its awesome, keep up the good work buddy.
everything is great.
nice voice acting.
great humor.
great art and animation.
good plot.
keep up the good work.
and this kid really likes his dad. lmao
i read a review about the little PURPLE thing that came up right at green links crotch. which color link is "missing from the group"? PURPLE. it's PURPLE giving link head. hidden homosexuality.
awesome. i loved it.
but just one thing. next time could you stream the sound. incase some one wants to pause it so the sound will still be in sync?
Actually I wasn't even aware you could do that. This was my first go with flash and to be honest I'm still pretty clueless about a lot of stuff. I'll have to look into that. Or if you could point me towards a tutorial with info on that I'd be grateful.
piconjo pwns j00
piconjo <3's j00
haha WOOOW
this is awesome!